
We believe that all complaints, concerns, and compliments are valuable feedback, and help guide us to improve our services for all our customers.

Evermore aims to provide high quality services and products that meet the customer needs. We do our best to achieve this but if you feel we’re not getting something right, please let us know.

To ensure we are taking the appropriate actions and resolving complaints in an appropriate way, we have an internal complaints procedure that we follow through. Below you will find the steps taken as part of our Internal Complaints Procedure:

  • Understand the nature of the complaint
  • Acknowledge
  • Allocate for investigation
  • Report and Find root cause
  • Respond to the complainant
  • Take Action
  • Share Learnings for continuous improvement

Where the complaint relates to issues of patient safety or safeguarding, we will notify our safeguarding lead and take immediate actions where necessary.

Making a formal complaint

If you are unhappy about Evermore’s services or products, please let us know by speaking to one of our team members using one of the ways below:


Phone: 01244 881765

Please make sure to explicitly mention that this is a formal complaint in your discussion over the phone with one of our team members.

If you decide to email us, please write “Formal Complaint” in the subject line of your email. Please note that if it does not say “Formal Complaint: in the subject, it will be treated as normal correspondence with Evermore and we aim to respond in all emails within 24 hours where possible.

To help us investigate your complaint further, we ask you to share as much information as possible. Including:

  • Your full name, email and postcode
  • Order number
  • A clear description of your complaint
  • Any relevant correspondence

We do our best to acknowledge all complaints within 24 hours upon receiving them and will categorise and allocate a manager for the investigation within 4 days. We will endeavour to complete our investigation and submit our response within 15 working days.

Exclusions might apply during Bank Holidays, as response times might be longer.

After the investigation has taken place, we will make you aware of our decision and findings in writing, confirming all actions we have taken to resolve your complaint/concern. We will also share any changes and/or learnings with the team and all members involved

If for any reason we cannot resolve your complaint within 15 working days, we’ll do our best to let you know as soon as possible and we will keep you updated throughout.

What to do if you’re not happy with our response

If you’re still not satisfied with our response, you can ask for an internal appeal.

Please do this within 5 working days from when you received your written response sending us a clear, detailed description of your complaint in writing, and explain why you were not satisfied with our original response.